Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Shortlist and longlist for START Flash Fiction competition

Shortlist and longlist is below. 

Names have not been included in order to keep the final part of the judging process anonymous.

Names will be added to these titles when the results are known.

I am in the process of emailing you all to confirm if your story is shortlisted, longlisted or not on either list.

As per my email, you are all eligible to be in a December draw. I've organised a draw which is a free-entry, no writing necessary, name-picked-out-of-a-hat draw. Prize will either be a book about writing or one free entry to one of our competitions in 2014 (not decided yet). Two names will be picked out and each will receive a prize. I can only enter you for this if you reply to my email. Don't panic if you've not had an email to reply to yet, I am still working through the list. I'll let you know at a later date on this blog when I've finished working through the list and if you've not been contacted by that time, then is the time to contact me about it.

Thanks to all for sending your entries and do keep writing. Remember, you now have a complete story of approx 500 words. Don't waste the idea you have there, see if you can still use it, perhaps tweak it, improve it or expand it into a longer piece of work. Once you've re-worked the idea, you may find you could submit it again to another of our competitions, or to another market.

We have three further competitions for 2013:



SHORTLIST                                              LONG LIST

                                                                   Don’t you Start
Bonds                                                         Follow Me
Bubby                                                        Incendiary
Caught Unawares                                      Riot
Descending and Ascending                       Over the Brink
Don’t Start                                                 Start from Scratch
Fresh Start                                                  Fresh Start
It Started with a Kiss
Judgement Day
Room Nineteen
Starting Over
The Castle
The Darkness, Waiting
The Fright of their Lives
The Leather-Clad Phoenix
The Portrait
The Weight of Stones
You Start

Best wishes,

1 comment:

  1. Some of those titles would make great story prompts.


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